Region 17 Judges Training Chair
Temporary Region 17 Newsletter Editor
Master Judge
800 Purcell Dr
Plano TX 75025
Dell and her son Seann started Seandel Iris Gardens in the early 1990’s. She comes by digging in the dirt naturally, her Mother being from a Winters, Texas farm family. She has over 1500 varieties of iris – including tall bearded, median, dwarf, aril, arilbred, Louisiana, evansia, spuria, species, Japanese, and a few Siberians – growing on her corner city lot in Plano. Her garden is an Aril Society International and a Median Iris Society display garden.
Her love for irises started in Connecticut, when at age 6, she saw some cast-offs growing along a stream, dug them up and took them home – thus the madness began.
She retired in March 2012 and now spends her time traveling, trying to keep orchids alive, giving garden club programs, judges training programs and doing “iris things”. She is currently a member of the American Iris Society, multiple local iris societies and AIS subsections, on the Boards of Directors for the Aril Society International and the Median Iris Society, and is the current Region 17 Newsletter Editor.
Trainings (T) & Programs (P)
Iris 101 Workshop (P)
Aril and Arilbred Irises (T / P)
Bearded Irises (P)
Tall Bearded Iris (T / P)
Artistic Design (P)
What Iris Judges Look For (P)
AIS Show Rule (T)
Are These Really Rules? (T)
Louisiana Irises (T / P)
Spuria Iris (T / P)
Median Iris (P)
Beardless Iris (P)
Japanese Iris (P)
KeepTrack of Your Garden (P)
Showing Iris – Live Demo (P)
Judges’ Responsibilities at an Iris Show (T)
others available on request